
Simulation of Progressive Limited Face to Face Classes

Mariveles National High School-Poblacion conducted the whole-day simulation of progressive limited face to face classes on March 31. One of the purposes of the activity is to ensure that the health and safety protocols are strictly followed by the students, teaching, and non-teaching personnel. A total of four sections from grade 7 to grade 10 attended the said simulation.  Due to the limited space at the school quadrangle, only grade 7 and grade 9 learners were requested to join in the flag ceremony before the start of the morning classes. The supposed actual implementation of limited face to face classes on April 4 was rescheduled to April 11 because of the existence of a sole CoViD infected case in barangay San Carlos. Students from Grade 7 and Grade 9 levels are requested to attend in the flag ceremony. MNHS-Poblacion school principal IV, Dr. Cesar L. Valenzuela is delivering a message about the important reminders for the whole day activity . Ma'am Leonora D. Jajalla, Master T

My Reflection on the 3-day webinar entitled "Curriculum Innovation for Highly Disruptive Times: Whole Brain Self-Mastery Course"

  1st Day What a way to kickstart my Wednesday   with this comprehensive webinar! It felt simply amazing to be part of this training. I learned various models like the Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as initiated by Dr. Cecilia Manikan, our resource person who is enthusiastically praised as the "Teacher of Teachers" and "Trainer of trainers". The said webinar is a 3-day program that is participated by school administrators and selected teachers. Dr. Manikad expounded the theme by discussing the importance of knowing and understanding one's self. This is one step on how to understand the very self of an individual and by doing so, this may lead in understanding the personality of people around. My Takeaways  The speaker's style in managing the seminar is a good pattern to follow when it comes to the allotment of break times in between the lectures and discussions. I could really feel her utmost consideration an

CVAP Batch 9 (Day 4 Blog)

Uwuw!  Hey guys! Time flies really fast, right? This is already the fourth week of our training and I have still couple of  assignments to do. Of course, I need to radiate happiness and positivity despite the odds in life and I know that the requirements are part of my personality growth and development. As usual, this day is full of fun! The class was kick started with the "kulitan" and "kumustahan" as one of the hosts sir Rich, is always making the class lively because of his jolly voice and blissful style as a program master. As the class CVAP class started, some participants were called in to show what they got by reciting different examples of tongue twisters. I was lucky that my name was not noticed (But at the of my mind, I was slightly prepared). Hahahaha! It was indeed another chance to be empowered by the words of encouragement by Ma'am Lyn Gonzales more specifically when she made an appeal to us to always involve ourselves in every activity of CVAP. I

My Reaction on Sir Danny "Ama" Mandia's Talk

  I am not actually familiar about Direk Danny Mandia until I was given the chance to be a part of CVAP and until he was given the slot to share a bit of his roundabouts in the field of dubbing. I was really mesmerized on the way he retold his experience as a professor in Merriam College and as a dubbing director at the same time. He shared about the secrets and tips to be a successful dubber. According to direk "Ama", he considers himself as "monster" whennit comes to coaching his trainees in dubbing. He always sees to it that his students incorporate the value of discipline everytime they are inside the studio. "Kung walang disiplina ang isang tao at siguradong walang mararating", direk Danny reiterated. As one of the zoom viewers who witnessed his talk, I got even more fascinated with the numerous works he contributed in the dubbing industry. This even brought me back to my younger days when I and my childhood friends were watching "tagalized"

My 3rd Day in CVAP

  My third day in CVAP was still a mixture of loneliness and excitement. The wound in my heart is still fresh because of the death of my adoptive father but I need to move on and move forward because we all know that one of the certainties of our existence is death, whether we like or not. My voicemates in breakout room (BR-3) already know about the death of my adoptive father while my batchmates in CVAP batch 9 group chat have no idea. Since my attendance last meeting was incomplete, I tried to cope up during the third day by participating in the given activity which has something to do to with the online skit. Each team should showcase a performance where super power/s  is/are portrayed and how these abilities can contribute in solving the emerging problems in this world. After the session, Sir Pocholo stayed with us and shared practical tips about the setting up of a booth or studio in recording audio materials. He also shared essential insights to aspiring voice artists as regard t

My 2nd Day in CVAP

It's a sad day for me! I wasn't able to attend the afternoon session because of the message through a phone call from my cousin that my adoptive father Tatay Arthur has given up his last breath at past ten in the morning. September 11 is not a favorable date for me and I have to admit the reality that we only live once. I can not be the person who I am now without the things tatay had taught me. He instilled in me the importance of respect, patience and being fair, at all times.  It's really hard for me to focus in listening to the virtual class this morning. What I remember is that "The Voice Master" sir Choy discussed about the formula in voice acting and he portrayed and showed some examples of the voices he can project by applying the techniques like the voice variety, proper voice care and avoiding monoty in delivering the script. Sir Pocholo also underscored that each voice is dynamic and can always be changed and improved. Mr. Joshua Simeon also shared abou

My First Day in CVAP

It was really a dream-come-true experience for me to be part of the Certified Voice Artist Program (CVAP). I was always fascinated by the testimonials of the pioneer members whenever I browse the different channels where their videos are uploaded. I was amazed how these trainees underscored the great changes in their personalities and principles as they were joining the program.  Perfect timing!  Yes, you read it right, folks. It was late in the evening of April 8 this year when I attempted to send a message to Sir Pocholo De Leon Gonzales who is widely known for his pseudonym "the Voice Master" who happens to be a native of Mariveles where I am living up to now. I bravely expressed my intention and interest to join the CVAP and he encouraged me to send a short video stating the reason why I want to join, what are my expectations and what will I do next after the short course. Sadly, I was tested positive for CoViD-19 and it took me less than a month to recover. I