My Reflection on the 3-day webinar entitled "Curriculum Innovation for Highly Disruptive Times: Whole Brain Self-Mastery Course"


1st Day

What a way to kickstart my Wednesday 

with this comprehensive webinar!

It felt simply amazing to be part of this training. I learned various models like the Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as initiated by Dr. Cecilia Manikan, our resource person who is enthusiastically praised as the "Teacher of Teachers" and "Trainer of trainers".

The said webinar is a 3-day program that is participated by school administrators and selected teachers. Dr. Manikad expounded the theme by discussing the importance of knowing and understanding one's self. This is one step on how to understand the very self of an individual and by doing so, this may lead in understanding the personality of people around.

My Takeaways 

The speaker's style in managing the seminar is a good pattern to follow when it comes to the allotment of break times in between the lectures and discussions. I could really feel her utmost consideration and I found it more relaxing and more interesting to listen to her talks.

The lectures for the day offered insightful learnings about unlocking my personality based on the presented models. I realized also that as I grow older, the opportunities, experiences, and other relevant factors may develop or may affect my personality directly. I also learned that each personality has its own appropriateness when it comes to the teaching and learning process in the different grade levels.

Moreover, I was enlightened about the importance of personality in choosing one's career and preferences in life. The first day of the webinar consequently encapsulate the things I need to know about the essence of considering the different quadrants of personality and the 16 different personality types and I discovered deeply that I am fit to handle people in the organization but I also learned that I am prone to be affected on what others might think of my competence as a leader. This made me realized how important it is to take control of every factor that affects me as an individual. In addition, I learned that I am the type of person who gets energized after having some good conversations with others. 


Dr. Cecilia underscored in the latter part of her lecture the different hormones that contribute to our physical and mental health. It is then remarkable to note to sustain the level of the different hormones. Finally, studies show that having a successful relationship with one's partner leads to a longer life, and this information really impacted me. 

 2nd Day

Value Added Thursday

The second was another fruitful day. My co-members and I had various realizations about the importance of the harmonious relationship between the body and mind. as individuals that are working in an academic institution, we were able to bring out same sentiments and ideas as to how things are now going on. Each one of us concluded that maintaining a good self-composure and having a harmonious relationship with others really matter to keep one's sanity in the workplace or in any setting. 

Prioritizing our higher self by finding our purpose in life in life is quite more important than doing greater things solely for the welfare of our ego or also known as the lower self. what makes us really happy is when we see others become successful and satisfied because of us.

As leaders in the academic organization, school managers should consider the essence of respecting the feelings of others, time management, empowering others, tasks delegation, and establishing and maintaining a good working environment. 

On "Mindfulness"

Practicing mindfulness can reduce anxiety. It also improves mood and working memory and prevents relapse of depression. I also learned that being mindful of one's self increases emotional intelligence and promotes the nurturance of relationships. Three principles were also tackled in the online lecture about the three acts to practice mindfulness. This can be achieved by doing good deeds, speaking good words, and thinking good thoughts.

3rd Day

 Sharing my "Life Map"

This could be perhaps the only webinar where I was able to open up roundabouts of my life in my 37 years of existence. It felt really a relieving experience after unloading the burdens within me. I could really feel the peace of mind and there is now an assurance to accept and appreciate my uniqueness as a person after the speaker, Dr. Manikan reassured me that it pays to be gentle to myself and accept the things where I have no control like how I existed in this world. 

A Deeper Encounter

Dr. Manikan clearly relayed to us about the relationship between having religious beliefs and being good to others as well. Equanimity can be achieved if we live with the eight principles as can be seen below.  

I can summarize the things I have learned from this three-day webinar into four insights. First, we must take time to meditate regularly. Second, we should respect the law of nature by understanding its relevance to our existence and by applying the patterns that are evident in them. Next, it is really possible for us humans to meet harmony, regardless of the dogmas we believe, as long as we consider the welfare of each other, Finally, we must never forget that the best things in life are free and simple. We just need to be wise in our choices and think beyond what is in this world and focus on virtues that really matter to us.

On the other hand, we must also be aware of the things that cause human suffering.

I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to learn new things through this webinar.

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